SciAnalyzer enables an individual selection of scientific articles published after January 1st, 2000 and that are accessible via the PubMedCentral's (PMC) database. Metadata and study characteristics are extracted from the XML file collection with JATSdecoder. The extracted article features are displayed in tables, bar plots, network graphs, word clouds, trend charts and interactive scatter plots.

Notes on generalizability: The PMC article collection represents a big, but still selective sample of scientific content in general. All analyses are based on JATSdecoder's extraction heuristics, which may produce false positive and negative hits. Always consider these circumstances, when drawing conclusions from your analysis.

Notes on processing performance: The bigger your selection is, the longer some analytical processes may take. Make careful choices on your article selection, before starting an analysis. Some analyses are restricted to narrow selections.

You can download the raw data of a selection limited to 20,000 articles within the 'Raw data'-tab and perform an individual analysis with your selection.

Global summary of article selection

Your selection consists of:

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You may add several free textual search terms or select from specific values to identify documents of your interest. Text searches are not case-sensitive. You must update the data table after your search query is specified by clicking the button below.

Note: All fields will be connected with an AND operator. Entries within a field are connected with the OR operator in standard mode.